We believe in the power of generosity, what it does for the individual doing the giving,
and for the purpose that the giving supports.
1. Download the app Vanco Mobile today via the links below
2. Search for our church by typing "Chapel Hill Church of Henderson KY, INC"
3. Select the church with the address "2601 US Highway 60 E"
3. Create your own account by clicking "signup" and follow the prompts.
4. Click login if you already have an account or had one with give plus.
Attn: Finance
Chapel Hill Church
2601 HWY 60 E
Henderson, KY 42420
You can give in person during any worship experience
Free Money/Scrip Card
Orders are due every Monday by noon and orders are rec’d on Friday via Fed Ex.
Simply go to the Scrip website: shopwithscrip.com and register your family.
Enter Chapel Hill’s enrollment code:
Lots of NEW Scrip Cards are available!
The scrip store is open every Sunday morning in the Fellowship Hall before and
after the 9:30 a.m. service.